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GRP Club Rimfire BR Rifle Match 2_17_24 jpg.jpg

Competition Results

GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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Saturday's shooting conditions were breezy and overcast.


Ron Ricketts won the Sporter class uncontested

Bobby Mooneyham toke the Sharp class

Billy Dennison had a close battle with Houston Whitfield for the Outlaw class win

Rick Greer toke the Outlaw Heavy class uncontested


Great shooting guys!


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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Results for the 1 February 2025 GRPC Steel Challenge Match

Excellent weather and comradery with 11 shoots wielding 18 guns and raising $145.00.

Thanks to all who participated. Welcome Back to our Match Director Emeritus: Harvey Brewton 

Semper Fi, 

Joe Murray


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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Our first Sporter Class only event and we got the match in before the rains arrived! Huston Whitfield took the match followed by Bobby Mooneyham.


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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Fellow pistol shooters,


Excellent but chilly match on Saturday.


We had 7 hearty shooters and 13 guns.


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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Very windy and cold conditions but Rick Greer dominated the competition with 10 points over the next shooter. Congratulations Rick!


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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Saturday's match conditions were slightly overcast with temperatures in the low 70's but gusty winds kept us guessing. KC Majors won the match followed closely by Dennis Massey and Ron Ricketts.


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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Above are the results of GRPC's 2 November 2024 Steel Challenge Match.

12 shooters with 21 weapons.

Note:  I may have misplaced some of the pistol shooters in the wrong categories (holster and low-ready) due to poor data collection on my part. 

Apologies in advance,

Joe Murray


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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Cool start for the morning but turned out to be a very nice day. Gusty winds made for a tough day of shooting.

Bobby Mooneyham took the Sharp Shooter class and Houston Whitfield grabbed the Outlaw class, great shooting guys!


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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The weather Saturday was as good as it will ever be - low winds, low 70's and just a hint of mirage.

Yours truly took the match with a clean score of 450. Look at the X count that Todd Layman posted - 40 X's - that's five rounds NOT in the X ring!


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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Great shooting conditions lead to a tie between K C Majors and Todd Layman, clean scores of 450 / 30 X's.

Ron Ricketts just missed it by one point 449 / 31 X's and Dennis Massey is back with a 447, his personal best in three years of F-Class shooting!


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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On a rain threatening day, we had eleven shooters, seventeen guns. and a great match.


Here are the result


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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Bright, hot and sunny with very little breeze!

Rick Mattela got an uncontested win in the Sporter class.
Billy Dennison is the big winner taking the Sharp Shooter class.
Tom Disanto took the Outlaw class.

Great shooting guys!


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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Thanks to our eight shooters with new joins Josh Taunton and Rusty Bohrer for a hot but well-run match


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We drove through rain storms to get to the range but once there it cleared and we had very nice shooting conditions.
Charles Borders won the Production class uncontested,
Bobby Mooneyham won the Sharp Shooter Class.
Houston Whitfield won the Outlaw class uncontested.


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We had 10 shooters enjoying a warm, relatively calm day. Geoff Adams won an uncontested sporter class, Charles Borders took the popular UL-2 class and Houston Whitfield won the heavy class.
Interesting note, three of the shooters had the same score on stage as stage two, go figure. 


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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Sorry I am late getting the score out (Moffitt Cancer Center For Monday + Tuesday) And Thank you all for braving the rain storm.


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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The skies were threatening rain but held out until the match was completed. Geoff Adams took an uncontested win in the Sporter Class while Bobby Mooneyham won the UL-2 10.5 lb Class.


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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We good shooting conditions starting with temperatures in the low 70s and light winds but by Stage 3 the mirage had  arrived. 
Todd Layman had a clean score with 34 X's. KC Majors and yours truly tied with the decision made by the X count, followed closely by Andy Krapcha.  Eric Stiffler shot a 310 with his Gerand using iron sights!


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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The storm blew through and we had a nice, dry, cool shooting day.
Yours truly won the event with a clean match score of 450 followed by a tie between Todd Layman and KC Majors, look who's in fourth place!
It was nice to see Scott and Lorna Hopkins visiting us from New Mexico and Ron Ricketts returning after back surgery


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We enjoyed nice shooting conditions with light winds, light overcast and temps in the low 70's.

There were no Sporter class shooters.

Bobby Mooneyham won the UL-2 class and the overall match followed by Shanna Whitfield. 

Tom Disanto took the Heavy class followed closely by Houston Whitfield


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We had a great showing Saturday, ten shooters competed using every target we had! 

Charles Borders won the Sporter Class, Bobby Mooneyham took the heavily contested 10.5 lb class and Tom Disanto got Heavy class.


New shooter are:

Shanna Whitfield

Geoff Adams

KC Majors


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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The match worked out very well - the forecast was for rain all day. Instead, it was a pleasant morning with moderate wind to keep us on our toes. We got a nice tight match and as we left the range it started to rain and heavily!


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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Yesterday started out like recent weekends - rainy. But by 10:00 it stopped raining and we had an excellent match. Bobby Mooneyham took the UL2 class and the overall win, Charles Broders won the Sporter class and David Swedberg the UL3 heavy class.
Great shooting guys!


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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Great day for shooting - no wind, light overcast and a comfortable temperature but something was way off. Only two clean 150 scores, what happened?


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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Great day at the range - except for rain we had it all - winds out of the north 15 MPH with gusts to 25, temps in the low 40's and a nasty mirage. Considering the terrible conditions, I think we shot an excellent match.


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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Except for the gusty wind (+18 MPH), it was a perfect day for the match. Mike Branch and your's truly were tied at 449, with Mike absolutely waxing me with the tiebreaker "X" count!

Todd Layman returned after a long absence, he sure didn't lose anything with a 448 score.


Merry Christmas Y'all!


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We had an extremely gusty match, notice the X counts - last month Bobby Mooneyham scored 26 X's but this month we were all stuck in the low teens. Never the less, Rick Greer took the match shooting an impressive 482, way to go Rick!

We welcomed back Tom Disanto, it's been six month since we saw this sorry soul!

This month everyone shot in the UL-2 class, a very easy match to score.


          GRPC Steel Challenge


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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


GRPC 22 Rimfire Match 10_21_23.jpg

 A great day for a rifle match.

Look at John Fadio, a 457 score in the Sporter Class, excellent shooting John! 

Bobby Mooneyham took the UL-2 10.5 lb Class with a great score of 489 and 26 X's.


       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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Great day for the match, light winds, light mirage and pleasant temperatures.

Ron Ricketts turned in his first clean score, Great shooting Ron!  He was followed closely by Todd Layman and then we had three shooters tied for third - Eric Jessen, KC Majors and Andy Krapcha - decided by X count.

We welcomed a new shooter to the group - Mike Cook



          GRPC Steel Challenge


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          GRPC Steel Challenge


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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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 Beautiful day for the BR Rifle Match, pleasant temperatures, light winds and partly cloudy conditions.

We welcomed Robert Branch back to the fold, it's great to see the old timers returning but we need to see some new blood!

  • Robert Branch took the Sporter class 

  • Yours Truly (Jerry Jessen) grabbed the UL2 class

  • Houston Whitfield captured the Unlimited class 

       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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The last summer's match of the year! A pleasant day with just a bit of mirage to keep us on our toes.

Easy match to score - numbers were 450, 449,448, 447 etc.

Andy showed off his new rifle then immediately had issues, that the way it goes. With some breakin time it will be fine.

GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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 Another hot, hot match, thank goodness for the tin roof and the fans. Charles Borders took the match with a very nice score of 480, Houston Whitfield got unlimited class - 466, and look at John Fadio with a 240 in stage one! John got himself a new pair of glasses!

We welcomed Bobby Mooneyham back to the fold.

       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


Grpc Hi power score sheet 8-1-2023.jpg

The word that comes closest to describing yesterday's match is HOT!


Mike Branch won the match with a clean score of 450 and 33 X's. Just think of that for a moment - 73% of the rounds Mike fired hit the 1.4 inch X ring - a golf ball is 1.68 inch in diameter!


Eric Stiffler shot his newly finished M1 Garand, If you see him at the range, checkout his rifle, it's a beauty!

      GRPC Steel Challenge


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Nothing added

GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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By 9:00am it was still dry so we decided to set the targets, then the showers started about half way through the first stage and we just went on shooting. It was rather plesant, cool temps and light winds. but the targets sure suffered - a bunch of wet noodles!
Rick Greer won the heavy class with a very nice score of 485/17 and Houston Whitfield won the unlimited class uncontestedly.

       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


GRPC Hi Power Rifle Score Sheet 7-8-25.png

Today's match was held under sunny and windy conditions, and of course the mirage made an appearance. Birthday boy Ron Ricketts took the match with a score one shot short of a clean set!


      GRPC Steel Challenge


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       GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class 


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The match started warm and just got hotter. The sky was slightly overcast so one moment because of the mirage, you couldn't see the target and then, in the time it would take to blink once, the target would be perfectly clear!

The first two stages had three of us tied for first but in the third stage Mike Branch absolutely nailed it with a score of 150 and 13 "X"s, great shooting Mike!


      GRPC Steel Challenge


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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We enjoyed a bright sunny day with light winds which died down to a dead calm as soon as the match was over.

 John Fadio won the Sporter class

Charles Borders took the Heavy class

Tom Disanto got the Unlimited class

 We welcomed Braelyn Dennison to the match, she shot a very respectful 357/3!

      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class


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The match started out very pleasant with overcast skies and a six mph wind out of the West. But by the second stage the mirage hit hard, it pushed everyone's bullet impact to the right by about two inches at 300 yards! 
Our matches are getting tight, we had two ties, Ron and KC tied with KC winning via the "X" count. Andy and Erland also tied, but in this case both of their scores and the "X" count were the same and no shoot-off was requested 


GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire



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Six shooters attended the match. We had a pleasant day with a slight wind to blame our fliers on!

  • Sporter Class - Rick Matela

  • Heavy Class - Jerry Jessen

  • Unlimit class - Tom Desanto


Good shooting guys! 

      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class



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Perfect day for a match, even though the forecast was for rain, none fell, we had light winds, overcast skies and no mirage. Strangely, as a group, all our rounds were impacting the target to the right an inch or so....

Ron Ricketts and your's truly tied for first place with Dennis Massey and Erland Graham close behind. KC Majors had a problem with his ammo and dropped out.

      GRPC Steel Challenge



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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire



We had fair shooting conditions, winds at 8 mph with an overcast sky.

Rick Greer won the heavy class and overall while Rick Mantela won the sporter class 


      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class


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We enjoyed a nice day with a small helping of mirage, the prone shooters were dialing back their scopes to 20 power to see the target while the bench riders were seeing good enough to use 50 power. Amazing what a few inches of elevation will do!

Yours truly won the match followed closely by Todd Layman. After a long absence, Marty Williams rejoined us. Ron Ricketts has recovered from surgery and joined us shooting better than ever. 

Happy Birthday KC Majors!

      GRPC Steel Challenge


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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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A temperature of 35F and 12 mph winds out of the north made for miserable shooting conditions. Even so, Rick Greer had a great second stage score to win the Heavy Class and first overall. Daivid Swedberg won the Unlimited Class.

      GRPC Steel Challenge


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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


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We had a cold day with light winds shifting from left to right, The forecast was for rain but it held off till later in the day.


Rick Maltrla took the Sporter class

Houston Whitfeld won the UL-2 Heavy Class (7.5 to 10.5lbs) 

Tom Disanto got the UL-3 Unlimited Class (over 10.5lbs)

Houston Whitfeld got the over all win. 

      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class


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The only good thing that I can say about yesterday's shooting conditions is that it wasn't raining! It was very cold, wind gusting to 20 mph and some mirage thrown in for good measure.

Yours truly squeaked by Ron by one point, meanwhile, Erland and Dennis tied at 433 with Erland winning by the X score count.


Happy New Year!

      GRPC Steel Challenge


Steel Match 1-08-23.jpg

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GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


22 rimfire BR Results 23_17_2022_edited.jpg

 Excellent shooting conditions today, Partly cloudy, cool temperatures and no wind!

 Sporter Class - Dennis Massey

 UL2 Heavy - Jerry Jessen

 UL3 Unlimited - Tom Disanto

      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class


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The morning started out very foggy, we couldn't see the target backstops much less the targets! By 10:30 the fog burned off and we probably had the nicest shooting conditions this year.

Very tight scoring, the first three shooter scores were separated by two points and the remaining shooters, only one point.

GRPC Club 22 Benchrest Rimfire


22 rimfire BR Results 11_19_22.jpg

We had a cool but pleasant shooting day with temps in the mid 40's and light winds at less than four MPH.

Six shooter were in attendance, winners are:


UL-1 (Sporter) - Dennis Massey

UL-2 (Heavy) - Jerry Jessen

UL-3 (Unlimited) - Tom Disanto

      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class



A pleasant day, low 70's, light winds and of course our old friend - the mirage - but check the scores, the lowest one is 145 and there were only two, now that's some good shooting!  The score sheet doesn't show it, no one had any hits in the 8 ring.

You're not seeing double and that's not an error, Todd shot two different rifles in each stage (30 rds) in the same time that the rest of us shot our normal stage (15 rds) and he did it very well!

      GRPC Steel Challenge


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      GRPC Club Hi Power  - F Class


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The match started out just fine, just look at the first two stages, we could not have been more consistent. Then the third stage happened and the mirage arrived - there went a very nice match.....ya shoot in the weather you get!

Nevertheless, Ron Ricketts had a great match, one round short of a clean match - congratulations Ron!


      GRPC Steel Challenge


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